anyone notice this gorgeous piece?

From: Nico de Jong <>
Date: Wed Oct 8 09:12:52 2003

> > {CDC 9766}
> Too bad it weighs about 450lb.

I remember this beast from a job I once had. The drives (2, 200 MB each IIRC) were connected to a Regnecentralen RC8000 (a danish system, used in the USA primarily by airlines for booking systems). It had to deal with the full workload of a company dealing with bathtubs, piping, and all other things to be used in bathrooms, etc.

The second drive was used solely for data, such as invoices, personel, etc. ALL programs, system files, swap files or whatever was on the first drive, and as the system had only 256K, there was a "lively traffic" to and from the drive. It was also used as a development system for 3 programmers.

The first invoice run to be executed on that system, took over 24 hours to complete !
In the mean time, the disk had moved about half a meter sideways. The only reason for not being in the other end of the machine room, was the length of the cables connected to the drive.

Received on Wed Oct 08 2003 - 09:12:52 BST

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