So whats the status of this guys mac SE?
I went and dug out my original system 7 disks and found I have the
System 7 (or 7.1) disks on HD floppies (1.44):
Install 1
Install 2
Disk tools
System 7 (or 7.1) disks on Double Density floppies (800k):
Macintosh Networking Basics
System 7 Tuneup
Before you install system 7
Install 1
Install 2
Install 3
More Tidbits
I know the HD set is complete because I installed it on my IIfx, havnt used
the 800k disk set so I am not sure about them.
If the person who has the SE needs a copy of these disks (I have a number of
68k macs that can copy these floppies correctly) he can send me blank disks
and I will mail them back copied. If the person can use disk images on their
own 68k mac I can make images and email them out. I did notice there isnt a
disk tools disk listed on the 800k set but I am sure it can be downloaded
from apples site, or a 3rd party util can be used (LIDO 7.56).
System 6.03, 6.05, 6.08 in 800k images can be found here:
If the person needs these images dumped to disk I can do that also if blanks
are sent to me ( I am out of 800k floppies since my amiga, atari st, IIgs
have sucked them all down in the last month, time to find some more).
Hope this helps.
Received on Thu Oct 09 2003 - 19:13:17 BST