cctalk Digest, Vol 2, Issue 13

From: Doc Shipley <>
Date: Mon Oct 13 21:45:09 2003

Tony Duell wrote:
>>>>Ok , you leave her there. I'll carry her to the bedroom. :)
>>>Bedroom? Wheres your sense of adventure? ;)
>>"A Real Retroist(tm) does it... on top of a VAX 11/7x0 !" ..
> A _REAL_ Retroist(tm) has a VAX 11/7x0 in the bedroom :-)

   Heh. There's a PDP11V03-L in its original low-rise cabinet, with
RX02, that's a serious candidate for becoming my nightstand.

   It's the right height, and it's just so *cute*!


ObCCmp: I'm looking for a QBus RX02 controller that'll LL-format disks.
  I hear they exist, and right now I have about 30 pounds of very
interesting 8" placemats.
Received on Mon Oct 13 2003 - 21:45:09 BST

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