Dealing with the Press

From: TeoZ <>
Date: Tue Oct 28 18:27:19 2003

> Hi
> I thought I might add that our local newspaper also creates
> many contrived stories. Although it would seem to the general
> reader that they were getting better coverage, most of the
> stories are misleading. Almost all of the quotes are taken
> from context and were not even originally spoken in terms
> of the created story. It is called freedom of the press.
> I tend to call it fraud.
> I don't consider fiction as useful information regardless
> of how close to home it is or what cause it promotes.
> Dwight

>From what I remember about history the local papers were made by founding
fathers to print bad stories about each other before elections (some things
never change). The media has a long history of making up stories and
printing outright lies, its actually better today then 100 years ago. The
whole point of a newspaper is to make money, anything that people are
interested in at the time is put in the paper. My standard aproach to media
stories wether they are in print, on tv, or on the radio is too think of
what the angle is of the publisher and what the source of the story has to
gain with their left or right spin on it. I am sure everybody over the age
of 18 knows that everything that is fed to us is tainted with some bullshit
or spin by the people who print it because of finacial oir political gain
and also from just lazy reporter not checking on the facts.

Was it the NY times that fired a reporter this year for just making stuff up
in many of his articles? If such a large paper doesnt check the facts before
publishing stories what do you expect from the little local papers? Dont get
me started on 24/7 CNN type channels that have to get something new every
few hours just to keep a story going on the air.
Received on Tue Oct 28 2003 - 18:27:19 GMT

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