ADMIN: another RFC

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Wed Oct 29 19:18:55 2003

On Oct 29, 17:54, Jay West wrote:
> This guy asked nicely to join the list.. I asked him what he collects
> below is the response I got. As I said before, I don't intend to post
> kinds of emails to the list, but this one I'm a little torn on and
not sure
> what to do. Do you guys think this person should be on the list? Let
him on
> with a warning? I'm kinda leaning towards "no", but... You guys tell

I lean towards the "yes, but.." side. How much harm can he be? Might
one or two people get something out of it? Might his subscription
succumb to bit rot if he misbehaves? I've seen his name somewhere else
but I can't think where, offhand.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 19:18:55 GMT

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