Digital DSM Disribution tape

From: Luc Vande Velde <>
Date: Mon Sep 1 14:29:00 2003

Someone asked a few weeks ago for a copy of the DSM distribution
tape.(9track 1600bpi)
I found it back this afternoon (by accident in a search for some other old
To make it clear - this is the native version of DSM (Digital Standard
Mumps) version 3.3
and it runs only on PDP11 not on vax or other PDP's
Min. machine on UNIBUS = 11/40 on QBUS = 11/23
If someone can tell me how to make it available I have my ears wide open; or
if someone is willing to do that's even better


Received on Mon Sep 01 2003 - 14:29:00 BST

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