On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, G Manuel wrote:
> > MOS (also called PC/MOS, and the later PC/MOS-386) were multi-user,
> > single-tasking versions of a DOS, more or less compatible with the
> > MS- and PC-DOS systems. MOS ran on the larger 286 and 386 systems,
> > and DID use their hardware segmentation (286) and protection (386)
> > support.
> >And bloody difficult to find - been after it for years :-(
> >cheers,
> >Lance
> >// http://commodore.thebbs.org
> > telnet://commodore.thebbs.org
> > Since 1987 - Australia's oldest Amiga BBS //
> Are you looking for PC-MOS? I have a boxed copy of PC-MOS/386 here with
> manuals and disks. Contact me off list if interested. I am in the US but
> will ship it anywhere. It shouldn't be to much to ship, it come in one
> slipcase binder.
Oooh! See, Lance? Sometimes, just mentioning it will get you
what you were looking for... everyone here has boxes full of
stuff they pretty much forgot (or wan to forget) about ;-)
Received on Thu Sep 11 2003 - 08:54:00 BST