Disposing of a Collection

From: Patrick Finnegan <pat_at_purdueriots.com>
Date: Mon Sep 15 13:22:00 2003

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> Does anyone here have any advice on how to go about disposing of a
> computer collection? The time is well past for me to get serious about
> it. I want to keep a lot of my DEC gear, but even some of the VMS and
> PDP-11 related stuff will be going. I don't have time to do anything
> with most of the stuff I've got, and it's become an anchor around my
> neck.
> Ideally I'd like to recover some of the money I've got into the
> collection, as I've sunk a LOT of money over the past few years into it.

What I'd suggest is putting a description of what you have up on the list,
and see if people are interested in it. I'm sure there's a fair number of
people that'd be interested in large chunks of your collect, and might
even be willing to drive to where you are, if they know. I know I'd
probably be game if you were within a 6-8 hour drive.

Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 13:22:00 BST

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