Price Check on Aisle 5

From: TeoZ <>
Date: Mon Sep 15 14:40:01 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Rigney" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:10 PM
Subject: RE: Price Check on Aisle 5

> > And the Vintage Computer Marketplace is even better, because listings
> The other thing about the VCM that's worth noting is that it's
> our intention to create a framework for establishing the prices and trends
> of these "commodities." That's one of the reasons we have structure
> the brand and model names that other sites don't have.
> Eventually, after a good solid history of data has been accumulated in the
> system, we'll be able to tell you the high/low/average/etc price for items
> over time.
> Patrick

How would you get a reliable price range from such a small group of
collector with such a wide range of systems they collect?

Apple I's cost a few bucks but there is only a few around only a few people
willing to spend the cash to buy one (not even taking into account the
economy being good or bad). How will you take into account a system that 5
people might pay $300 but dozens are just given away every year just to have
their space back?

It works better when a large volume of collectors are involved and items
change hands alot or at least have a greater liquidity.
Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 14:40:01 BST

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