(Ping) Paging Jim Willing, paging Jim Willing.

From: Doug Salot <doug_at_blinkenlights.com>
Date: Thu Sep 18 10:25:01 2003

I'm in the same boat (sent him money, no response to inquiries for
months), so I talked to the chief of police in Yates Center. He indicates
that the Fredonia address is probably for a farm he rented when he first
moved to KS, but he's since moved into Yates Center.

Jim's financial problems are apparently well known in town (it's a small
town), and the police (there's just one) didn't sound optimistic about our
chances of getting our stuff.

FWIW, I have no interest in pursuing this as a criminal matter, but if
you're out more than $500, that could make it a felony in KS. The chief
offered to ping Jim in person. I'll send an update if I hear anything

-- Doug

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Wayne M. Smith wrote:

> >From the voter registration rolls:
> FREDONIA, KS 66736
> Telephone: (620) 625-2225
> According to Mapquest this address is 37 miles from the Yates Center
> Bowl address, but it's probably worth a shot.
> -W
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cctalk-admin_at_classiccmp.org
> > [mailto:cctalk-admin_at_classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Zane H. Healy
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:23 PM
> > To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
> > Subject: Re: (Ping) Paging Jim Willing, paging Jim Willing.
> >
> >
> > > If someone knows how to get ahold of him by means other
> > than email, it
> > > would be appreciated. It sounds like he's on his way to seriously
> > > damaging his
> >
> > Didn't he post this information a while back? Have you
> > checked the mailing list archives? OK, I just tried, let me
> > put it another way, is there a way to search the archives,
> > and does anyone remember? I'm pretty sure he posted a phone
> > number for the Bowling Center at some point.
> >
> > OK, I think this might be current... 620-924-1305 At least
> > it was in March when he posted it. There is a web page, but
> > when he posted the above number he noted that the number on
> > the web page http://www.yatescenterbowl.com/ was no longer valid.
> >
> > Also it looks like the last post from him was on August 12th.
> > In it he talks about the current state of his troubles.
> >
> > Zane
Received on Thu Sep 18 2003 - 10:25:01 BST

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