On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> Some of my favorite "rarer" machines are my General Automation SPC-16/40
> and /45 (which are neither complete nor functional right now ): It was
> a machine targeted where the Data General Nova was targeted (a general
> purpose 16bit machine in the early 70s).
Nice. You're the only one I know of that has these. I have some Naked
Mini's and another model that escapes me currently.
> Encore Multimax - a massively SMP UNIX box with NS32332s (or 32232's?)
> that went up to 40 processors and 128MB of memory in the late 80s, and
> ran a Mach-based Unix. I've not yet gotten that up and running, but
> I've got install tapes and documentation for it that the SPC-16s don't.
Very nice!
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Received on Tue Aug 03 2004 - 20:40:40 BST