- "Lost art" of old repairs knowledge.
- $2 sale - concluded
- $2 Sale, or $1 if it needs to be.
- ***needed: Auerbach books, reports and journals especially. the early ones. Also any early data processing journals and information. reply off list to me directly please.
- 5362 SSP Diskettes
- 6809 Forth (was: Sharp PC124x/5x/6x)
- 8" floppy drives
- 8" floppy project
- 80 columns (was: Origin of row/column based database software
- [GreenKeys] MITS Teletype Interface Board
- [OT] Help with question about web page access
- [Test-Equipment] FS: Semi Data Books
- a classiccmp electronics project?
- ADM3A and Teletype Model 43 available
- Altair Repair
- Altos 386-1000 Install media, manuals, or anything else
- Altos 386/1000 - anyone got install media?
- ANN: Altair32 release 3.0 posted
- Anybody have $35K to $89K to spend...
- Anybody have an extra power supply for a PDP-11/04??
- Anyone ever shipped an NEC APC?
- Anyone heard from Joe Rigdon?
- Anyone interested in WANG boxes?
- Anyone need greenbar paper?
- Apollo Domain Aegis SR 9.7.1 lives, huge Y2K bug!
- Apollos
- Apple Lisa Power Supply Repair
- AppleTalk card for PC
- archive file format exmaple
- archiving Heath H8/H89 hard-sectored disks
- Article on data rot on CD's
- ASR-33's and Brain Dead "Repair" man...
- ASR-33....its alive (sort of)
- AT&T General Purpose Sychronous AT/Enhanced card
- atc-510 simulator
- bacci man
- bah! (spam)
- Beg, Borrow, or Steal OpenVMS media.
- Best keyboards you've used ever!
- Best keyboards you've used ever!)
- Billings Computer Corp.
- Bimodal error distribution?
- Blinkenlight lamps
- Borland Turbo Pascal Manual Set (7.0)
- Brother Wordprocessor Floppy Disks
- Bruker Aspect 3000 computer and drives available
- Burroughs Part Numbers
- Cabletron MMAC-M8FNB
- California Garage Sale
- CBTREE source code needed
- CCDD Definition
- cctalk Digest, Vol 12, Issue 11
- cctalk Digest, Vol 12, Issue 18
- cctalk Digest, Vol 12, Issue 56
- CCTALK/CCTECH archives
- CDC drives available (model NSOMPI)
- Change subject (was: E-Mail Quoting...
- Charset/CCDD (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive
- Charset/CCDD (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard)
- CHM gripe
- CHM gripe (was: rarest computers)
- Cirris 1000
- Cirris 1000)
- Classic Book...
- Classic computer job/work offer (UK)
- Cleaning up yellowed/grubby plastic?
- Cleaning Yellow Grubby stuff
- Cleaning Yellowed Plastic...
- Compaq Luggable on eBay (ending soon)
- Complete HP1000 F-series system on UK ebay
- Compucolor items on eBay
- Contact cleaner/lubricant?
- contact lube
- Cool finds: B-24 Radio manual
- cool terminal manuals
- correct address
- corrected TU81 url
- CP/M-86 manuals, software available
- CPU Chips
- Custom made front panels
- Dakota.
- DEC country codes
- DEC Infoservers
- dec LA/VT stuff available
- DEC VT stuff & HP stuff
- DECMate II
- DECpc 320P
- Dell comercial
- Diversi-DIAL
- Does anyone collect old Modems?
- dos electronics software?
- dos electronics software? (PLDs)
- DOS looking like a mainframe project
- Drive alignment
- Drive format spreadsheet questions
- Dublin Core (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard)
- E-Mail Quoting...
- eBay Auction of Classic Compaq Luggable
- eBay madness
- Eclipse
- Education (Was radiation)
- Electronic Barn closing
- Electronics Barn closing
- Emulex MV11 on eBay
- Enigma
- EPROM Erase or Program service
- eUROS 8WAS: Is holographic no longer vaporware? (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard))
- eUROS 8WAS: Is holographic no longer vaporware? (was: Let'sdevelop an open-source media archive standard))
- Exidy software, was Compucolor items on eBay
- FA: (ebay) DEC Rainbow 100, docs/sw, LA50, LA75
- FA: DEC cards, VME card and PC/104 card
- FA: Parsytec Xplorer Transputer Workstation - 16 T805-30MHz transputers with 4MB for each processor
- Facit N4000 manual/docs/software?
- First computer with real-time clock?
- floptical drives
- Foam pads for keytronics keyboards ?
- Foam pads for keytronics keyboards ? (& SOL-20 with Helios for sale)
- Following getting scrapped tomorrow
- Free hardware to a good home.
- Free Tandy 1000TL w/ keyboard, monitor
- FS/FT: SAGE junk
- FTGH - Wyse Adapter
- Furguson BigBoard...
- Fwd: (1) HP 286/12 & (2) 486's
- Fwd: Commodore Computers
- Gaps in the collection
- going...going...
- Goodies available, #1
- GPIB Card Availabe
- Grid 1755 486slc
- Grid 1755 486SLC (looking to purchase)
- GRiD Compass II 1137
- Hard drive for PERQ on EBAY?
- Hawley Mouse?
- He shoots... he scores!
- Heathkit EPROM programmer 8401
- Heathkit ID-5001 weatherstation
- Heathkit Jr Workshop 35
- Heathkit/Zenith tubes
- help id'ing these 2 Kaypro boards
- Help with IBM 5100 - ROS error
- Help with question about web page access
- Help! TU81 Plus tape drive problems.
- Here's a #1 tip on cleaning computers
- Hex bits of sufficient length?
- Holy cow...
- Holy cow... )
- Holy cow... Concealed weapons
- Holy cow... Concealed weapons)
- How common are the IBM System/*'s? (was System/32 update...)
- HP 12966 BACI
- HP 2100 book sought ($BOUNTY$)
- HP 2100 manuals on ebay
- HP 7906
- HP 7980 tape drive
- HP 9133XV disc drive question
- HP diag library on disc
- HP LA Inverse Assemblers for classic microprocessors
- HP memory available (HP9000)
- HP memory modules
- HP Pen Plotters (7470 and 7475)
- HP2100 books
- HP2100a VS HP2100s
- HP2116B
- IBM 5100
- IBM 5120/5120
- IBM and Siemens Terminals available...
- ibm xt memory
- Identify an SMD component
- Identity of specific model????
- Imagen print controller
- Imaging SCSI hard disks
- important
- infovox 500 speechsyntizer
- Insect Conductivity - language?
- Interesting 486 motherboard that accepts an I860
- Interesting Mil/DOS computer site
- Introduction
- Introduction to Decysytem-20 Assembly Language Programming
- Is holographic no longer vaporware?
- Is holographic no longer vaporware? (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard
- Jupiter Ace FORTH Programming
- KA630 guru?
- Keyboard pads
- Kim-1 on ebay!
- Kirk Davis?
- Let's develop an open-source media archive standard
- LF: Commodore PET schematics, troubleshooting info
- Liberty Freedom One Plus)
- List problems?
- Looking for 11/34 parts
- Looking for a DOS command-line e-mail client
- Looking for DOS command-line e-mail client
- Looking for help with V-marc 88a
- Looking for old data information
- Looking for Steve Loboyko
- looking for tek manuals
- Looking for Visual 1050 technical docs
- Lost Vector Computers to Another Start up
- m4 9914
- Mac SE 800k boot disks
- Many old laptops needed ($$$)
- Matrox graphic card
- May mailing list change?
- MC670P ICs
- Metal Case Northstar Horizon
- Metal Case Northstar Horizon -- (WOW*RARE*L_at_@K BOXED!!!11)
- MicroVAX3100 boot disk limited to 1GB - which ones?
- Misc. |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| OpenVMS Docs for Sale
- Mistake in AP story about Steve Jobs...
- MITS Teletype Interface Board
- monitor program
- Monitor Resolutions...
- Monroe-Matic CSA-10
- More Goodies from the Silicon Valley Refugee
- More HP microcode & loader rom detective work
- more VT stuff available
- Morrow Micro Decision
- Motorola In Circuit Emulator and similar stuff available
- Moving Image Archive Standard discussion to new mailing list
- MTI MLV11M Controller Diagnostics/Formatter wanted.
- Museum of Computing Launch Party
- music
- MXV22
- My GE Terminet 300
- My GE Terminet 300)
- National Multiplex data cassette tape drive
- National Semiconductor DS8136/DM8136
- Near-classic: Win95 beta CDs
- Need Altos Diagnostic disk
- Need data sheet for Nintendo chip
- Need help in finding old aritcle
- New Finds - for free
- New list for media archive info...
- New toys: 1944 IBM !!! Warning OT
- Newbie enquiries (MONECS/DEAMON)
- Newbridge VIVID ATM Network Kit Available
- NExt Station for sale
- NH/VT area goodies...
- nice hp on ebay
- OFF (was: Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about
- OFF (was: Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about web page
- OFF (was: Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about web page access)
- OFF (was: Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about webpage
- OFF and education
- Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P/MF
- Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P/MF)
- Old stuff
- old stuff found
- Origin of row/column based database software
- Osborne / TRS-80 III wanted for British TV show- can you help?
- OT-ish: What's the HP9000 K Class K570 server equivalent to?
- OT: Dream keyboard
- OT: eBay "blocking" in re Enigma
- OT: HVD SCSI card
- OT: IBM Electric typewriter servicing info needed.
- OT: ServGate documentation pack, anyone want?
- OT: Simple electronics question...
- OT: Submissions for an IT careers book?
- OT: Technical Explaination...
- OT: X programmer needed for XGameStation IDE
- Paging Jay West....
- Panasonic RL H-1400 - Information Needee
- Paper Tape
- Paper Tape (was: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard )
- paper tape reader/punch (N4000) info
- Parliamentary procedure (was: What fun ...
- Parts needed
- PDP 11/03 vs. PDP 11/03-L
- PDP 11/03 vs. PDP 11/03-L]
- PDP 11/23 Plus
- PDP 11/84 PSU wiring / differences
- PDP-1 Paper Tapes (DECUS)
- PDP-11 Freeware CDs for RSX-11 and RT-11 (Originally Produced by Tim Shoppa)
- PDP-8
- Perkin-Elmer tape drive
- PET problem SOLVED!
- PET startup sequence??
- PET startup sequence?? (was LF: Commodore PET schematics, troubleshooting info)
- PET startup sequence?? (was LF: Commodore PET schematics,troubleshooting info)
- Phone Talk / Apple Talk
- PICT files
- Pile of Mac IIFX
- Places in LA?
- Poly 8813
- Polymorhic 8810
- Power transformer for a Wells Gardner 19V2000 monitor?
- Pristine systems at scrappers...
- Pro350 VAX console?
- public domain v free (was: 8" floppy project
- Puget Sound area collectors, heads-up!
- Quotations From Chairman Morrow
- RA71 all alone?
- Radiation
- Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about web page
- Radiation (was: <Silly>: Help with question about web page access)
- Random Number seeds,
- Random Number seeds, picking the nit
- rarest computers
- rarest computers.
- rarest computers. )
- RAREST COMPUTERS.... (Computer Automation)
- RDI BriteLite IPX portable
- Re; Mac SE boot disks
- Reading Books in the Store (was: What fun from a Macintosh SE)
- Realistic MPA 35A
- Reforming Old Capacitors
- Rescue DEC gear?
- RESCUED: pristine systems (DEC)
- Restoring an Early Mac's plastic case
- Resurrecting an early 80s SGI
- RL02/RL01 drive rails needed
- RQZX1 setup?
- RSX11M Boot disk
- RT-11 / PDP-11 Software Users
- Rust on tape heads
- RX50 Dis/assembly..
- S.F. Bay Area -- PDP-11 HW available -- Disks and Tape for 11/44
- SAGE as vaporware
- Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips
- Searching for SunOS 4.1.3
- seeking info on ASR-33 interface board
- Seeking Strawberry Tree or LabTech (Laboratory Technologies) software
- Semi-OT: Data Recovery?
- Semiconductor Books
- Semiconductor data books for sale in USA
- Senosa Directdata 640
- Serial port speed
- Sharp PC1248
- Sharp PC124x/5x/6x
- Signetics kit available in the UK
- SIMH on Slashdot
- Software
- Some DEC freebies
- Sord M5
- Spelling (was): Help with question about web page access
- STD Bus boards anyone?
- Steve Loboyko
- System/32 update
- System/32 update...
- Tandy
- Tandy 10 Business Computer System
- Tandy 10 Photo
- Tandy 1000 on ebay
- Tapes for the 9010
- Teac floppy replacement
- Tek 4115B out there
- Tek 4115B out there.
- TEK UNIX history
- Teledisk problem
- Terminet 200 on ebay
- Test - Please ignore!
- that OT: Tredennick, u-370, 68000, 5100... thread
- The Trip is On...
- The universe
- TI 980
- TIL306...any leads
- TKQ50 proms
- Toshiba 3200 questions (wireless?)
- Toshiba Dynabook or Sharp Moebius laptops? ($$$)
- trade my Amiga 1080 for your Amiga 1080
- Tredennick (was: u-370 is not a recoded 68000 (was: IBM 5100))
- TRS 80 Model III mini drive problem...
- TRS 80 Model III mini drive problemTRS 80 Model III mini drive problem
- TRS-80 Model III and Holmes VID-80 Schematics / Technical Reference
- Trying to remember a machine
- TurboC (was: 8" floppy project
- TV Show Alert for Aug 30th, 2004 in US
- TV Typewriter (was: Custom made front panels)
- u-370 is not a recoded 68000 (was: IBM 5100)
- u-370 is not a recoded 68000 (was: IBM 5100))
- unidentified HP loader rom
- univac 90/30
- Up for auction: Lynx 470 floppy tester
- URL for UT Museum
- UV Eraser assistance in NY...
- VAX 4000-300 - Null Modem Cable
- VAXStation 4000/90 Hard drive options
- VCF 7.0 Date Changed to November 6-7
- VCF Security
- vcf west advice
- VCF West hotel
- VCF West hotel)
- Vector Flashwriter
- Very sweet Altair 8800b setup on Ebay
- Vintage computer sighting
- Vintage computer sighting in This is Spinal Tap
- Vintage computers in Towering Inferno?
- VT-220 has a headache
- VT220 guide claimed
- Wanted: IBM Convetible (5140) "Application Selector" software
- Wanted: Side stand for IBM AT
- way ot - circuit board notebooks
- Welcome back Hans F!
- What fun from a Macintosh SE
- What fun from a Macintosh SE)
- What is an Operating System (was Electronics Barn closing)
- What is it? Prometheus Versacard
- what is the value
- Where to see vintage computers in (your town here) ???
- Who has Zilog System 8000/32
- Why do MRV11-D's crap out?
- WORST keyboards ever
- Worst pointing device (was: Best keyboards you've used ever!
- would anyone read a couple of DECtapes for me? (USA)
- wtd (uk): TI99 memory cart, ACT Sirius
- WTD: help debugging an eprom emulator
- Xerox Alto Restoration + Emulation
- Xerox Alto Restoration + Emulation (Mike Ross)
- Xerox Memorywriter System Disks
- z8000 segment scheme question
- Zilog Z8038 Z-FIO document available
- Last message date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 22:16:36 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:36:36 BST