On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Adrian Graham wrote:
> Nice! Mine's NTSC and I need to build a game cable so I can plug it into
> the tv card in my peecee. Wouldn't surprise me if it was dead.
I have 3 (or is it 4?) and I thought all were bad and gave up for a while
in trying to get any up. I'm not quite sure what the problem was, for
when I did get it working it was in a rush for a Computer History Museum
event, but I think it boiled down to dirty contacts on everything. I
unseated and re-seated all the modules and it finally came up. There
might've been some other factor that I'm unaware of but I guess I'll find
out the next time I try to fire one up.
BTW, when I was in Japan at the National Science Museum, they had on loan
the original "Brown Box" prototype of the Odyssey. They actually had it
turned on and connected to a television, and it was still working!
> 'all' that circuitry can generate is 2 player objects, a ball object and
> optionally a net object down the middle. Top stuff!
For an under $200 video game system in 1972 it certainly was!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Wed Aug 04 2004 - 13:23:15 BST