At 11:35 -0500 8/6/04, wrote:
< ?? cool, is Toronto its own nation now, or what?
>Can anyone comment as to what level of ID is helpful, in addition
>to a Passport and Driver's License, both with picture ID? Is
>company ID helpful as well when electronic stuff is carried?
Southwest Research Institute periodically has engineers
transporting spacecraft power boxes, compute boxes, and scientific
instruments. We cause minor headaches at security because many of
these are contamination sensitive and want to stay inside of their
dry-nitrogen-backfilled sealed ESD bags.
The engineers carry drivers' licenses and passports (where
applicable) and letters on SwRI or NASA letterhead and a contact
number at SwRI for security to call and verify they are who they say
they are. YMMV, but we have rarely if ever had problems. But then, we
all look like geeks anyway (Mike Gemeny, you can confirm this with
your brother :-) ).
We do call security in advance, but since there's usually a
shift change before we arrive, I think it rarely makes any difference.
>How do security people get through security?
>Or maybe I should not even be asking that question?
Can't help with that.
- Mark
210-522-6025, page 888-733-0967
Received on Fri Aug 06 2004 - 13:02:06 BST