to re-iterate, the separate sections I am proposing let the emulator do this very easily. Embed the format and the data together as pyhsical information and then the matter of extracting a file for emulation becomes difficult and not universal.
best regards, Steve Thatcher
-----Original Message-----
From: Vintage Computer Festival <>
Sent: Aug 11, 2004 2:30 PM
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <>
Subject: Re: Let's develop an open-source media archive standard
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Vintage Computer Festival once stated:
> >
> > HOWEVER, this makes it very difficult to use the imagefile on an emulator.
> > To use the floppy disk example again, if the emulator wants Track 14
> > Sector 8 (or Block 417) but it has not been explicitly laid out in the
> > imagefile because it was originally zeroes, then the emulator, if poorly
> > designed, may crap out.
> Are you trying to create an archive format, or a format that is to be used
> by emulators? I say skip the emulators and concentrate on archival
> purposes. An emulator can then use the archive format to create a disk
> image in whatever internal format it requires.
This is exactly what I have in mind. It's an archive format that can be
used by emulators. The emulator would only need a front end that can
interpret the archive image into an internal data structure that it can
> Don't complicate the problem.
We're not trying to at least ;)
> -spc (And don't try to become everything for everybody ... )
Not trying to do that, but we are trying to make it a format for
everything (or at least as much as possible that makes sense).
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Wed Aug 11 2004 - 16:53:02 BST