Am 23 Aug 2004 10:02 meinte Vintage Computer Festival:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> > I couldn't agree more with Hans as far as implementation, and the fact
> > that the IDE is Windows-only is its greatest barrier to me (I thought
> > Andre was going to have open-source tools from the getgo?). If Andre
> > wants a Mac beta-tester for checking that the system works and properly
> > compiles/generates object code, I have Jaguar and Panther available
> > here.
> He intended all along to have a Linux IDE. I can't remember why he put
> that aside early on (lack of time I'm sure) but now he's revisiting it
> because my guess is he's getting a lot of inquiries for a Linux IDE.
But right now it's Windows, isn't it? So he should definitly got
for Qt and a real multi platform aproach. oterwise he'll loose
the Windows people. And yeah, not to mention the huge numer of
Mac user ... no, this is not an Ironic statement. After all, the
Mac area is (as always) some kind of orphaned wasteland, which
menas that such projects get a lot of attention if they support
Mac (as it is for linux).
VCF Europa 6.0 am 30.April und 01.Mai 2005 in Muenchen
Received on Mon Aug 23 2004 - 12:26:53 BST