PDP 11/03 vs. PDP 11/03-L

From: wai-sun chia <squidster_at_techie.com>
Date: Thu Aug 19 14:36:54 2004

Hello list,
Anybody can give an authoritative answer as to the difference between a 11/03 and a 11/03-L?
What I can gather is that the 11/03 used a BA11-M/H9270 (4-slots) while the 11/03-L used a BA11-N/H9273 (9-slots).

Another important thing is that the DEC logo is different! :-)
On the 11/03 the font used is the regular lower-case font, while on the 11/03-L the font used looks like uppercase Avant Garde..

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Received on Thu Aug 19 2004 - 14:36:54 BST

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