On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 05:00:35PM -0500, Scott Stevens wrote:
> I don't know if it would work at all in your vintage of Mac SE, but I
> have piles and piles of the Macintosh high density 'super drive' floppy
> disk drives from a lot of different ages of Macs. Can someone chime in
> on wether your SE could be upgraded to use one just by swapping the
> drive? If so, you can have one or several for the cost of postage.
AFAIK, to use a "super drive" in an SE, you need suitable ROMs as well
as a suitable drive. The case for such is marked "FDHD" (fud-hud), for
"Floppy Drive, High Density". I have one in Ohio.
Ethan Dicks, A-130-S Current South Pole Weather at 24-Aug-2004 22:10 Z
South Pole Station
PSC 468 Box 400 Temp -83.4 F (-64.0 C) Windchill -117.6 F (-83.09 C)
APO AP 96598 Wind 7.8 kts Grid 073 Barometer 675.7 mb (10788. ft)
Ethan.Dicks_at_amanda.spole.gov http://penguincentral.com/penguincentral.html
Received on Tue Aug 24 2004 - 17:17:05 BST