WORST keyboards ever (was Re: Best keyboards you've used ever!)
>>>>> "William" == William Donzelli <aw288_at_osfn.org> writes:
>> > How about the absolutely WORST keyboards?
>> >
>> > 1) Sinclair ZX series > 2) Coco 1 > 3) Coco 2 > 4) Aquarius (my
>> first) > 5) Original PET
>> I forgot to include Coco 3.
William> Most (all?) Teletypes are pretty awful, but maybe we ought
William> to be a little forgiving, being mechanical.
Most? The ASR33 is bad, definitely. But were the others that bad,
Being mechanical is no excuse. Consider the Selectric, or for that
matter the Friden Flexowriter. That one has a very nice keyboard
if you don't mind its hair-trigger.
LA30s are bad.
Another bad one is the CDC 6600 "radar tube" console keyboard. Part
of the reason is that it has no rollover at all; pressing two keys
simply combined the keycodes. So the software would watch for a full
key up between any two keypresses, which means you had to do a very
deliberate one key at a time cadence.
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 12:32:51 BST
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