WORST keyboards ever (was Re: Best keyboards you've used ever!)

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_siemens.com>
Date: Thu Aug 26 12:52:49 2004

Am 26 Aug 2004 10:32 meinte Vintage Computer Festival:
> On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Jason McBrien wrote:
> > And, although they are incredibly cool looking, the metal keyboards they use
> > at some fancy trade show kiosks.

> They have to be durable to withstand the meatheads that like to pound on
> them.

I have one in my collection - a prototype made for
Deutsche Bahn (German Railways). If there's anything
to survive a direct nuclear hit, it might be a bunch
of cocroaches inside that terminal/kiosk thing. the
keybord is sensor only, so no moveable parts at all,
made from massive steel mounted on a sturdy steel
support. Even the Screen is behind a smash proof
glass plate. The only way to get into is by using a
grinder and plenty of disks.

Anyway, it's only a prototype, since Deutsche Bahn
settled for a touch screen aproach (always missalignd)
running Windows NT.

VCF Europa 6.0 am 30.April und 01.Mai 2005 in Muenchen
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 12:52:49 BST

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