Best keyboards you've used ever!
Ed Kelleher <> wrote:
> Worst keyboard: DEC LK201 on VT220 terminals - no <ESC> key, misplaced
> angle bracket <> keys (both on same key),
Yeah, that's the only big disadvantage it has. Everything else is
great, but here they just screwed up. On VT320, though, there is a
setup option to turn the '`~' key into ESC (putting ESC where it
belongs to the left of 1), move '`~' down to where the screwy '<>'
key is, and put '<>' where they belong on top of ',.'. Needless to
say, that's the mode I use.
Of course what I would really love would be a Classic keyboard with
the original Classic ASCII layout, i.e., ESC immediately to the left
of '1', Ctrl immediately to the left of 'A', separate CR and LF keys,
separate BS and DEL keys, and all of the previous 4 plus BREAK being
in the area where you find Enter and Backspace today. Having the
top row keys in ASCII order would be nice too, as would having the
kbd send ready ASCII down its wire instead of funky scan codes.
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 13:32:50 BST
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