Sharp PC124x/5x/6x

From: Stan Barr <>
Date: Thu Aug 26 13:07:15 2004


"Hans Franke" <> said:

> Well, the serial Port on the CE125 was never an official thing.
> You had to do assembly to use it.

Your message had me digging out my 1251 and the notes I made all those
yeasr ago! The Basic had the following keywords (in mine at least):

Code (dec.) 137 COM$
             155 SETCOM
             190 OUTSTAT
             191 INSTAT
which are presumably to do with the serial port.

Naturally I switched it on, the internal computer batteries still work
but the cassette/printer battery was flat so I've plugged it in to
charge up...we'll see what happens.

While I was searching I also cam across my original (1978) Tandy/Radio
Shack cassette recorder from my TRS-80, seems I *never* throw anything
out :-)

Stan Barr
The future was never like this!
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 13:07:15 BST

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