I said:
> "Hans Franke" <Hans.Franke_at_siemens.com> said:
>> Well, the serial Port on the CE125 was never an official thing.
>> You had to do assembly to use it.
> Your message had me digging out my 1251 and the notes I made all those
> yeasr ago!
> Naturally I switched it on, the internal computer batteries still work
> but the cassette/printer battery was flat so I've plugged it in to
> charge up...we'll see what happens.
A followup: when I looked, the last program I loaded (a collection of
utilities) was still in the memory. I last used the machine about ten
years ago, must be some kind of record :-)
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 14:06:25 BST