Sharp PC124x/5x/6x

From: Stan Barr <>
Date: Fri Aug 27 02:59:10 2004

Hi, (Tony Duell) said:

> > > Well, the serial Port on the CE125 was never an official thing.
> > > You had to do assembly to use it.
> > >
> >
> > Your message had me digging out my 1251 and the notes I made all those
> > yeasr ago! The Basic had the following keywords (in mine at least):
> >
> > Code (dec.) 137 COM$
> > 155 SETCOM
> > 190 OUTSTAT
> > 191 INSTAT
> > which are presumably to do with the serial port.
> I have the official serial port add-on for the PC1500 with the user
> manual -- somewhere (I know where the unit is, of course). I seem to
> remember those keywords were used with it -- COM$ returend the current
> RS232 parameters (baud/bits/parity/etc), SETCOM set them, INSTAT and
> OUTSTAT were either something to do with the handshake lines or used to
> determine if the port was ready (I forget which)
> Character input and output was done with PRINT# and INPUT# (I think it
> was channel 8 and channel 9 was the centronics port, but it's been many
> years).

Thanks for that, I've saved the info and will have a play when I get time.
When that'll be I don't know, I've just received some old FigForth listings*
to scan in or, probably, re-type. (PDP11 and Z80 if anyone wants to know)

* Courtesy of the FigUK library who have a lot of old stuff.

Stan Barr
The future was never like this!
Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 02:59:10 BST

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