Sharp PC124x/5x/6x

From: Tony Duell <>
Date: Sat Aug 28 18:11:26 2004

> Hi,
> (Tony Duell) said:
> > Hunting around on this machine I've found what seems to be the Macro-11
> > source for PDP11 Fig-forth (RT11/RSX-11/standalone) and the 143K file of
> > blocks contianing things like the Forth assembler, etc. I believe them to
> > be public-domain and if anyone wants them (and can make them available
> > for download, etc) they're welcome to them.
> >
> Yes, I've got that as well. Running it under RT-11 on simh atm as

How different is it from the FIG listing you've just obtained?


> I've always though the 6809 would make a fine Forth machine, but I never
> got round to finding out. Yes there is a 6809 lising in the FigUK
> library as well as things like 1802 9900 and VAX.

Personally I'd have gone for the more obscure processors first ...

But that probably explains why I have some quite obscure machines in my
collection (PERQs, PDP11/45, Tiger, etc) but am missing some quite common
ones (Apple //c, Dragon 64, Acorn Electron, etc). I tend to ignore the
common stuff, assuming somebody else will have it.

Received on Sat Aug 28 2004 - 18:11:26 BST

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