From: Computer Collector Newsletter <>
Date: Mon Dec 13 10:44:38 2004

>>> they still need permission to use it.

BULLSHIT. I'm an actual, living, breathing, working reporter, and when I go to
a convention or any other event, I write about and takes pictures of anything I
damn well please. The only paperwork or permission I need is called the First
Freaking Amendment.

Having said that, once in a while I'll work out a gentlemen's agreement,
whereby I agree NOT to report on something, in exchange for getting an
exclusive or scoop on something else.

If the news/video crew didn't announce themselves to the VCF event staff, that
is certainly discourteous and unprofessional -- it's not like they were
covering a fire and time prevented it. But more importantly, if a tiny event's
leaders tried telling ME or any other respectable journalist what I could or
couldn't do based on their permission, the appropriate response would be 'you
need me, I don't need you'. (The fact that VCF was held in a quasi-public
venue is another issue in the reporters' favor.)

If what they photographed was something like a trade secret, then in certain
cases they might seek Erik's permission, since he owned it.

 - Evan

--- Vintage Computer Festival <> wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, John Foust wrote:
> > At 03:00 AM 12/13/2004, Tom Jennings wrote:
> > >> Well, based on what I know about this sort of issue (and I might be
> wrong)
> > >> if it's used in the context of news coverage then of course there's no
> > >> issue.
> > >
> > >Not true. Besides the fact that "news" is more or less
> > >entertainment these days, they still need permission to use
> > >it.
> >
> > Doesn't Sellam have some sort of bouncers to watch for news organizations
> > at the door, and some sort of boilerplate permission / release paperwork
> > for them? I've been to many conferences / trade shows as press, where
> > the show management were quite picky about cameras and camcorders.
> I'm not that picky. I assume people walking around with cameras are
> taking photos or video for their own private use.
> > In lieu of such paperwork, can't they assume this was an exhibition
> > open to the public?
> That's what I'm wondering. Still, common courtesy would dictate that they
> ask permission up front.
> My VCR didn't record the program for some odd reason. Now I'll have to
> try to track down a copy of the program somehow.
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> Festival
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> [ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers
> ]
> [ and academia at || at
> ]

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Received on Mon Dec 13 2004 - 10:44:38 GMT

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