Who Made/Makes the World Smallest Harddrive

From: Tom Jennings <tomj_at_wps.com>
Date: Mon Dec 20 15:15:13 2004

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, Jules Richardson wrote:

This is what back copies of DATAMATION and the like are for!

> There was a discussion on a local group about the origin of the name
> Winchester lately; one school of thought bringing up the often repeated
> tale of the Winchester rifle, but another one interestingly mentioning
> key technology for the drives that was developed at IBM's R&D outfit
> near to Winchester here in the UK (actually at Hursley).
> Neither group seemed to be able to satisfactorily prove or disprove
> things one way or the other as to the origins of the name. Most books
> within the last 15 years or so probably base the origin on the rifle,
> but that may be down to that being the oft-repeated folklore. The link
> to Winchester in the UK was an interesting one though.
> cheers
> Jules
Received on Mon Dec 20 2004 - 15:15:13 GMT

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