Powermac 8100/80 RAM question

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Thu Dec 30 09:37:37 2004

On Dec 30 2004, 9:09, Richard Beaudry wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a Powermac 8100/80 that needs a RAM upgrade. Lowendmac.com
> says that it can handle 72-pin SIMMs, up to 32MB each. My question
> this: does it take the same 72-pin SIMMs as a PC, or does it require
> special "mac-only" SIMMs? Google only showed people still selling
> RAM (for outrageous prices), and I couldn't get actual specs on the
> RAM itself.

Ordinary PC-type 72-pin SIMMs should be fine, but I think you need Fast
Page Mode rather than EDO. You don't need parity, but it will do no
harm if you have 36-bit SIMMs instead of 32-bit. lowendmac mentions
80ns, so 70ns or 60ns will also do. I bought 4 x 32MB SIMMs about 4
weeks ago on eBay for an SGI, which wants FPM+parity and gold contacts;
it was quite cheap (under $20). The same seller had quite a lot that
was non-parity, and he even mentioned Apples.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Thu Dec 30 2004 - 09:37:37 GMT

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