SCELBAL, Scelbi books

From: Klemens Krause <>
Date: Tue Feb 3 03:47:10 2004

I would be highly interested to get a listing or a hexdump (or octal dump)
of scelbal in any form.
I have a running 8008-system and I'm looking for software for that system.
If you would make available a readable listing of scelbal I would type it
in. Best would be an assembler listing, but better than nothing would be
an hex- or octal-dump.


Chuck Swiger schrieb:
> Gang - I finally found an official serialized copy of "SCELBAL A high Level
> Language
> for the 8008", plus Wadsworth "Machine Language Programming for the 8008",
> plus Scelbi "Galaxy Game for the 8008/8080", "First Book of Games for the
> 8008/8080",
> "Monitor for 8080" and "Editor for 8080".
> --Chuck

Klemens Krause
Universitaet Stuttgart  /  Inst. f. Softwaretechnologie
Universitaetsstr. 38    /  70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711/7816 341
Received on Tue Feb 03 2004 - 03:47:10 GMT

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