At 06:40 PM 2/3/04 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I've seen this phenomenon on the likes of printers etc but I've never seen
>it on a tape drive.
Then you've never owned a HP tape drive! It's a common problem on them.
The first trick is to find a tape drive with a good roller and measure it's
size. A lot of people make new (small) rollers out of model airplane
silicon rubber fuel line. I've used rubber bushings from electrical plugs
for the bigger sizes such as the HP-85. I've also build up the aluminium
rollers with layers of heatshrink tubing. HS works but it wears fast and
it's hard to get it exactly round.
Basically the rubber that used to surround the wheel
>that controls FF/REW/Play functions on the tapedeck in my newly acquired
>Sharp MZ80B has melted to a sticky black compound that's run down the
>housing and gummed up the tape wheels.
>Pix at
> (244k) front of housing showing
>icky stuff
> (27k) control wheel
>Note shiny surfaces where there shouldn't be shiny surfaces :)
>I'd assume that the tape mechanism was a standard one but the question is,
>can I still get the part seen in DSCF5812.JPG since it appears that's all
>that's at fault?
>Cheers as ever.
>Binary Dinosaurs
> - possibly the UK's biggest online computer museum
> - ex-monthly gothic shenanigans :o(
Received on Tue Feb 03 2004 - 17:19:05 GMT