At 19:00 04/02/2004 -0800, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
>This is just the thing to spur a competing service with much better rates.
>I hope eBay keeps raising their rates. It needs to cause just enough
>grief to spawn a mass migration to another service. I dream of the day...
Around June last year, ebay UK did a bit of a price hike. What annoyed
people most was they did it in the name of having to comply wiht local VAT
regulations (sales tax). Their email said "some" prices would go up,
"some" down. All the prices went up except one never-used listing
feature. Many by more than the VAT rate! A lot of people migrated to ( if you want to earn me a referral
click)- a UK based site that offers free listings; not in the numbers to
make much of a difference to ebay, but enough such that you can actually
manage to sell things on there now, albeit usually at start price. They
cater for international members, so if you have some cheap stuff to flog,
they are worth a try.
As for us, well, we still use them, but to be honest, even with the
charges, we make more money through eBay, just because there are enough
people to bid things up. That's where all other services fail - there are
just not enough people using them, and you can't make the money selling on
them. So, no sellers, even less buyers..Rob
Received on Thu Feb 05 2004 - 02:59:07 GMT