At 04:23 PM 2/5/04 -0500, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe R." <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 3:01 PM
>Subject: Greedy E-bay idiots!
>> Did you guys see this?
>> 5>. It's a thin manual for an EPROM programmer. This clown wants $9.80 for
>> shipping AND $2.80 for insurance (REQUIRED no less). Actual postage for
>> this via USPS bookrate is about 40 cents and insurance is 35 cents! How
>> these clowns expect to stay in business!
>> Joe
>Nothing new in padding the shipping and handling. The eBay experience is
>about the total cost to get an item to your door. The guy apparently wants
>$20 minimum for the manual and there is probably a smaller eBay charge for
>something that sells for 9.99 then something that sells for $20 (eBay
>doesn't get a cut of shipping charges and some people still don't notice
>above average shipping charges until its too late). The item didn't sell and
>will probably get relisted 100 more times until somebody hard up for the
>manual ends up buying it. Did you guys notice how many items never sell on
>ebay these days?
Have you ever noticed how many times some people will relist the same
item? I remember one item that I know the seller relisted at least 8 times.
They must be paying an arm and a leg in listing fees. You'd think they'd
wise up after it didn't sell the first couple of times.
Received on Thu Feb 05 2004 - 16:24:46 GMT