Make sure you post your successes/feedback when you get back. I'm going to
Pasadena in mid-March.
Rich Cini
Collector of classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site:
-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
[mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Jason McBrien
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 7:35 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Classic Computing in LA
I'm going to Los Angeles, CA for a few days next week on business. Are there
any good spots to check out for classic computing / electronics gear? I'll
probably be in the Pasadena area. Last time I went I was in Ceritos, and all
the cool electronics surplus places I've heard of were closed. I also have
the luxury of several equipment boxes that will be shipped along with me and
returned on my way back :)
Received on Fri Feb 13 2004 - 19:39:07 GMT