Sorry for a bad URL, the item number is 2788390481
To make matters more interesting another seller just posted a full (I
believe) complement of cards!!!!!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of David V. Corbin
>>> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 6:24 PM
>>> To: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
>>> Subject: Interesting to see...PDP-8/e
>>> Just spotted an EMPTY PDP-8/e chassis on e-Bay. Buy it now for $900.
>>> Possibly not a bad price if you have a complement of cards,
>>> but an expensive was if you are just going to start a
>>> restoration......
>>> item=2788390481
Received on Mon Feb 16 2004 - 20:31:05 GMT