I received E-mail this morning from a fellow who's trying to track down a Windows or DOS driver for an M4 Data 9-track tape drive.
I wasn't able to provide much in the way of insight. If anyone here can help, please reply directly to him. Thanks much.
Forwarded message follows.
From: Yung.Robert_at_northropgrumman.ca
Subject: Re: M4 Data 9914R
I currently have a M4 Data 9914 Tape drive running off of a VAX system
that is reaching its end of life. I need to be able to transfer the
functionality of this system to a PC... hence the need for a PC version
of the driver. The code that runs the tape drive is written in Fortran
77, which will also have to be converted to some other PC compatible
language. In any case, my current headache is to either find a win/dos
driver for the M4, or source a new 9mm (800-1600bpi) tape drive that
comes with a win/dos driver. Is there anything at all that you could
help me with?
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with surreal ports?"
Received on Thu Feb 19 2004 - 11:20:06 GMT