I measured my working cable and it matches your cable.
I use the DOS terminal program telix and the setting
is 9600, N, 8, 1 that I think means no parity, 8 bit,
1 stop bit. Did you set your 4000-200's baud rate
--- "R. D. Davis" <rdd_at_rddavis.org> wrote:
> Trying to save space and not use a real terminal at
> this time, I
> decided to wire my VAX 4000-200's console to a
> serial port on my Sun
> Ultra-1... however, nothing seems to be working when
> I try connecting
> to it with tip (the port, set for 9600 BPS, appears
> to be ok, since I
> can get an OK response from a modem). However,
> there's no response at
> all on the Sun when I attempt connecting to the VAX
> using tip or cu.
> Kermit, even if run as root, is giving me a "Sorry,
> write access to
> UUCP lockfile directory denied." message; need to
> sort that out, but
> I think that's a separate issue.
> The LED indicator on the VAX counted dow to three,
> waiting to boot, so
> that seems to be ok.
> Here's how I wired the crossover cable (typical
> crossover cable wiring,
> should work, right?):
> MMJ DB25
> DTR 1 ---- 6, 8 DSR, DCD
> TX+ 2 ---- 3 RD
> TX- 3 ---- 7 Sig Gnd
> RX- 4 ---- 7
> RX+ 5 ---- 2 TD
> DSR 6 ---- 20 DTR
> ----------- MMJ pinout I'm using,
> 1 2 3 4 5 6 - viewed from
> -------+ + console
> +--+
> Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? Didn't use my
> breakout box yet,
> since I need to get new batteries for it.
> --
> Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference
> between humans & other animals:
> All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief
> that we're above Nature &
> rdd_at_rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures,
> using dogma to justify such
> http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to
> justify much human cruelty.
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Received on Thu Feb 19 2004 - 23:40:04 GMT