Flashback to July 1991...

From: David Woyciesjes <dwoyciesjes_at_comcast.net>
Date: Tue Jan 13 10:45:51 2004

        While wandering around the hallways here at Yale, I came upon a catalog
from Inmac, dated July 1991. I then proceeded to laugh in a bit of
amazement over the prices of some of the items when new, and how much
they go for now. Here are some tidbits...

Inmac NB/386sx laptop - $3,495.00
- probably made by Compaq, or that's what it looks like at least.
20 MHz, 9" 32 shades of grey screen, 40MB HDD, 2 MB RAM...

Iomega Alpha 8" 10MB Bernoulli Box Cartridge 3 pack - $235.00

CDC 9883-1/RM05 300MB disk pack - $839.00

or how about some disk drive filters, from $37.00 to $114.00

Mountain 80MB external tape backup drive - $1,149.95...

---   Dave Woyciesjes
---   ICQ# 905818
Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 10:45:51 GMT

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