I dunno. It seems a little unfair to people who get the digests, etc.
I know there's a thousand opinions about. I like the idea of picking a
random number between 1 and 1000, and whoever gets closest without going
over gets it. With a 3 day window, that gives everyone a fair chance to
read the posting, respond, and have some hope.
Tom Jennings wrote:
>No offense taken by me. It occurred to me momentarily to try to
>determine who would 'best' be the home for this object, but there's no
>way I can determine that, and to be honest, it's not a major item. If
>you would spend some seconds to imagine the possible scenarios...
>highest bid? Most spam? Most upper case pleading?
>On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 23:47, kurtk7_at_visi.com wrote:
>>To the group,
>>I was intending to just send this to Tom but as I posted to the group instead,
>>I just wanted to say this. We are all trying to find these systems and after
>>speaking to several on their intentions and efforts, you can tell where each
>>person focuses their energies and what they want to achieve. More than a few
>>of you have websites, virtual museums, and a few, the real variety (usually
>>housed somewhere out of the way, cost issues, always). I don't have a great
>>deal of money, but like all of you I do the best I can. It takes alot of time
>>and patience. This is an area I focus on, but I'm not the only one. I think
>>systems should go the homes that treat them best, much like children. If there
>>is someone better, then I gladly cede to them. Didn't want to come off being
>>arrogant, and apologize if that's how it did. Wasn't my intent.
>>In 20 years, what will be left if we do nothing? I would like to open a real
>>museum around here, a goal but it will take time and money, the one is in
>>supply the other always short. I figure, that if people can't see it, in some
>>type of meaningful manner, interact with it, they won't appreciate it. Anyway,
>>if the Cosmac goes elsewhere, then just have to wait for the next one. One
>>day, I will find an APF Imagination Machine. I already wrote on this but it
>>got me into the career that I am in today. First system I ever saw. Personal
>>thing, but I always get the feeling I may never have a chance to find the
>>system, fearing this is the last one that is coming down the pike. I know
>>that's not true, but that's the fear, isn't it? The Elf's by the way, were the
>>second system I came upone, specifically the Cosmac, still remember the
>>advertisements. Back then it seemed computers had all the excitement and
>>potential, and the challenge. Not like today's 'appliances' in the stores and
>>over the top hype.
>>Anyway, thanks for reading,
Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 19:13:37 GMT
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