well u know what, the system programmers i guess use
the right side of their brain, while the admins use
their left.
i guess, as an admin, u need to look at individual
problems and try to solve them with a more logical and
rational approach
while, a programmer would have to use his creativity,
and intuition to be able to "design" programs/SWs.
i'm neither of them, so no bias here!!!
what do u think, curt???
>Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 22:17:33 -0800
From: Ernest <>
Subject: System programmers vs. administrators
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Message-ID: <1074320253.1586.16.camel_at_ernest>
Content-Type: text/plain
I was having a discussion with a friend earlier
tonight about
programming, and how I've never been the least bit
interested in
learning how to program -I'm convinced that I have a
mental block
against it, or something like that.
As the discussion progressed, we decided that there
are two types of
advanced computer users -system programmers and system
That in itself is debatable but where our discussion
became bogged down
was when we tried to decide which user was left brain,
and which was
right brain.
We started by agreeing that programmers are artists,
while the
administrators are more scientific. But then, as we
talked, we decided
that you could make the same arguement for each side.
So, I thought I would throw the discussion out here,
and see what you
guys think. Assuming that there really are two types
of computer users
-programmers and administrators- which side is left
brain thinking, and
which is right brain thinking?
I pulled the following off some psycho-babble website:
Experimentation has shown that the two different
sides, or hemispheres,
of the brain are responsible for different manners of
thinking. The
following table illustrates the differences between
left-brain and
right-brain thinking:
Left Brain:
Looks at parts
Right Brain:
Looks at wholes
Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of
these styles of
thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and
equally adept at
both modes. In general, schools tend to favor
left-brain modes of
thinking, while downplaying the right-brain ones.
Left-brain scholastic
subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and
Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on
and creativity.
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 12:19:54 -0500
From: "Curt vendel" <>
Subject: Re: Re: Apple 'Star Trek'?
To: <>, "General Discussion:
On-Topic and
Off-Topic Posts" <>
Message-ID: <000601c3dd1e$211f6990$1a02a8c0_at_starship1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
D/L'ing now... curious to check this out :-)
I have a Mac OS X 10.2 Server running in my office, so
I'm curious to
how these interact...
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Received on Sat Jan 17 2004 - 14:16:01 GMT