On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Keys wrote:
> Check it out
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2779174663
For fairly good reason.
As lame as that computer was, folks like me who first learned to program
on them are fanatics about it. If I had the money last year when a
complete Aquarius II system with the exceedingly rare disk drive, 4-color
printer and other goodies sold for over $500 (I think it might have been
as high as $700) I would have dropped that.
I'm fairly sure there are less than 100 Aquarius II computers in
existence. Radofin test marketed them around the world but the product
got canceled before it sold in any sort of numbers.
I have one that I got by way of Australia from a developer there who was
writing a teletext system on it. I never realized that they were actually
sold in stores until I came across the one that sold last year.
In fact, the guy who apparently got the rest of the stuff from that
developer (through a third party) can be found here:
...including the 1541 disk drive adapter wedge.
The one that just closed on eBay was bought by the seller at a store in
Finland in 1984. So they were sold in stores, but in VERY limited
Here's the most recently updated Aquarius FAQ:
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Received on Mon Jan 19 2004 - 11:07:10 GMT