The PDP-8, PDP-11, VT100 and Tek rescue
On Saturday 24 Jan 2004 3:42 am, Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> Now.. I *did* spend a few hours today on tracking down that guy,
> and he is still alive. We're all going to work on getting that
> machine out of the danger zone, which is why I paid a large sum
> of money (one year of storage past due, and one year of storage
> as a bonus etc etc) to put a "hold" on it. Legally speaking,
> my attorrney tells me, the debt from that guy to the scrapper
> has now "moved' to me, so if he does not pay me, I can go and
> pick it up.
Stop worrying. It's yours now, go and pick it up and enjoy it! Someone
didn't pay storrage for a year on it, it was due to be scrapped and you
found it and rescued it from being melted down. It's as if you bought
something from a pawn shop or debtors' auction.
Received on Sat Jan 24 2004 - 03:26:36 GMT
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