> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:cctalk-bounces_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of R. D. Davis
> Sent: 27 January 2004 04:20
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Re: [FAQ publication?] was: RE: MicroVAX I update
> Well, you could always try to get any missing information incorporated
> into the MicroVAX FAQ, which could use some help from additional
> maintainers.
> Take a look at the nice work that Jim Agnew did on the FAQ, along with
> some other links to additional related info:
> http://anacin.nsc.vcu.edu/~jim/mvax/mvax_faq.html
I guess a section on booting, console commands and gotchas would be handy,
particularly with more and more people getting their paws on VAXen for the
first time either at all or in many years. I'd forgotten for example that
early MicroVAX consoles didn't include things like a useful SHOW command.
With the MV I you don't even have the good ol' TEST 50 (or was it 75?) to
show the config.
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Received on Tue Jan 27 2004 - 05:30:00 GMT