XTerms + DEC stuff + misc available (Cambridge, UK)

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu Jul 1 05:26:02 2004

On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 00:35, Tony Duell wrote:
> > ps. I too am curious to know what the spiky thing is!
> Knowing the source, and knowing what they had, I am pretty sure this is a
> DEC Unibus backplane of some flavour.

Dammit, spoil my surprise why don't you? :-P

Still hoping somebody wants some Xterms! I think everything else has now
found a home (unless anyone *really* wants an old dot matrix printer!)

I used to have a plan to get hold of a decent Xterm and then stick all
the noisy hard disks on a server in a cupboard somewhere - nice and
quiet then! Lack of audio support on any Xterm I've come across knocked
that idea on the head unfortunately...


Received on Thu Jul 01 2004 - 05:26:02 BST

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