- "Howdy" from another Timex guy
- "My disaster, your good luck" - Update
- "READ TRACK" (was: H89 disk imaging
- 11/70 and 11/04 core interchangeable?
- 2.10bsd on an 18 bit '11?
- 21MX M series need
- 4004 TIC-TAC-TOE Project
- 8" floppy project
- [dragonuser] Help with Dragon *Beta* Main Board
- [humor] Check this out.. HP01 Wrist Watch!.
- [humor] Check this out...
- [PDP8-Lovers] Free shipping on SBC6120/PDP-8 Kits for VCF weekend!
- [rescue] Available: RS/6000 & PS/2 parts
- A Celebrity among us
- a classiccmp electronics project?
- Acorn Cambridge Workstations
- AD - FS: VAX-11 Assembly Language Programming Book
- Airplane (was Early Timeshare)
- almost....
- Amiga 3400 (A400 prototype) on Ebay.
- Amigas strike back!
- Amplifiers?
- An ancient greek computer
- Another good day at the auction and Free Stuff
- ants
- Anybody going to VCF-East have cheap working Oscilloscope/Logic Analyzer to sell?
- Anybody going to VCF-East have cheap working Oscilloscope/LogicAnalyzer to sell?
- Anybody here work on HP 7905/7920 disk drives?
- Anybody want to get together at VCF East?
- Anyone have/know of Persci drives, parts
- Apple IIe ROM
- Apple IIe ROM -Orange Peel clone?
- Apple iMAC G3 266Mhz upgrade
- Applix 1616
- Archive 5945C tape drive - Emulex or Adaptec interface board?
- ARCnet ROMs
- are you still interested in buying an osborne 1 computer?
- Article on data rot on CD's
- Article on data rot on CD's)
- Assorted on-topic stuff
- AT&T 3B2/400 items and spares
- AT&T 3B2/400 searching of components
- AT&T catridge
- AT&T Terminals
- Atari TT030 (or ST?) joystick?
- Available: IBM 029 keypunch
- AVAILABLE: PDP11/23 (and /73) SYSTEMS
- Available: RS/6000 & PS/2 parts
- B1955
- B700 vs B1700
- B800 vs B1800, etc
- Book, history of Bletchley Park
- Books on ebay, IBM 'RPG' language
- Booting a VAXstation 4000 VLC off the hobbyist boot CD-ROM
- Booting real RT11 on a Heath H-11
- Broken list reenable mechanisms
- Burroughs B1955
- Burroughs B1955 (update)
- Bytek Multitrk-2000 Programmer
- cable lacing...
- CADAC Motherboard
- Can anyone identify this portable?
- CAPcard 9500 available
- cctalk archive for 2001?
- cctalk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 74)
- cctalk Digest, Vol 11, Issue 29
- cctalk Digest, Vol 11, Issue 42
- cctalk Digest, Vol 11, Issue 47
- CCTALK/CCTECH archives
- CDC 9762 vs. RM02/03?
- CDC Front Panel Overlay?
- Cirris 1000
- Cirris 1000)
- cleaning up after old NiCds
- Commodore 1541 disk drives for sale
- Commodore MPS-801 printer (Cambridge again :)
- Commodore PET & 64 floppies (Cambridge UK.. again :)
- Commodore Pet ROM trouble...
- Commodore Pet ROM trouble... EPROM
- Commodore Pet ROM trouble... EPROM Substitutes...
- Commodore SX64 probs...
- Compaq Luggable
- Computer history -- visiting the UK
- Computer history -- visiting the UK)
- Concrete Computers art exhibit
- Congratulations to Ethan Dicks!
- Connecting a FPF11 to a 11/23+ (Dumb Questions)
- Connector question...
- creating CDs for use with SGI systems
- Curt Vendel on TV!
- CXA16 cable pinout?
- Cybex Data Reduction Computer??
- DARPA Grand Challenge Conference
- Datasheet
- Datasheet needed, 5204 EPROM
- DEC 11/45 switches needed
- DEC 7000 (AXP) 4 CPU, 1GB, DRAM, SCSI for trade
- DEC AXV11 A/D Board Connector Pinout Wanted
- Dec Manuals
- DEC Rainbow 100 manuals?
- DEC/Compaq Enterprise Storage Arrays and TL882 Tape Jukebox
- DECmate III with a serial console?
- DECstation
- DECwriter, Letterprinters at Mich. St. U. salvage
- Digital Control Handbook, First Edition
- Disaster Recovery?
- Disk Capacity....
- DN5500 bits available
- Document request
- Document request (helios)
- Documentation available and wanted
- Don Senzig 4/13/1951 - 7/27/2004
- Dragon 64 fixing...
- Dragon 64 fixing...)
- DSD 4120 qbus floppy controller
- Dynamic Sciences R-1250 Reciever info?
- Early timesharing (TYMSHARE)
- Early timesharing/BBS systems
- East German arcade game
- eBay interesting Items
- Ebay: Univac tape reel cases with tubes in them?
- Emulex SC031 Qbus smd controller
- Emulex TC02 and Qualstar Tape Drive
- EPROM based lamps.
- ET-3400 Floppy Drive
- EV-831
- Expressions of Interest for Old Microbee Computer Equipment
- Failed posts was: Assorted on-topic stuff
- Ferro-resonant xformer conversion?
- First computer with real-time clock?
- Free MVME-147SA for pick-up in San Francisco
- Free shipping on SBC6120/PDP-8 Kits for VCF weekend!
- Free stuff (UK) again
- Free stuff for VCF East comers.....
- FREE: Honeywell 201 Logic Training Manual
- FREE: IBM software/manuals (S/36)
- front panel toggle & paddle switches?
- FS - Motorola MVME 761-001
- FS/FT : Fluke 9010A
- FS/FT: Token ring UTP to Fiber media converters
- Fun Fnd While doing Clean-out
- Fwd: AT&T catridge
- Fwd: Harmonicomputer Available
- FYI: Office Depot to recycle old PCs...
- GIGI emulator?
- Good news on my RK05 drives
- H89 disk imaging
- Help on Morrow Decision I - docs or direct experience?
- Help with :CAT optical Reader
- Help with Apple2 clone "Orange Peel"
- Help with SMS Unibus controller
- Honeywell 201 Logic Training Manual
- Honeywell DATAmatic 1000
- Honeywell manuals
- Honeywell manuals?
- HP & sgi stuff on eBay UK
- HP 1000 M series on Ebay
- HP 1000 manuals
- HP 1000 ROM part number history PDF
- Hp 2113E problems
- HP 6101x and PCIB
- HP 7200A plotter
- HP 7200A plotter)
- HP 9915A
- HP analyzer probes
- HP analyzer probes( Actually shipping overseas)
- HP DOS computer selection advice sought
- HP firmware
- HP firmware identification?
- HP firmware identifications?
- HP hardware available and wanted list
- HP I/O Extender available
- HP Integral serial card
- HP LaserJet IIP parts
- HP Omnibook 430
- HP Software License Update.
- HP TSB (Time Share BASIC) Internals Manual
- HP-85 stuff
- HP-86/87: Uploading floppy images over a serial connection
- HP2113E problem
- I'm on my way to VCF/East!
- I'm so stupid...
- I'm so stupid... Was: Head Cleaners
- I'm stupider than you!! RSTS/E question
- IBM 029 punch in Colorado
- IBM 1092
- IBM 1092**
- IBM 5110 APL ROS
- IBM 9348-012
- IBM manuals available
- IBM pc/xt/at technical documentation...
- IBM PS/2 systems going...
- IBM RISC System/6000 58H available
- IBM System/370 Extended Architecture Principles of Operation manual
- IM6100 project plan options (was OSI 560Z: DEC PDP-8 clone using 6100 & 6502)
- Insect Conductivity
- Insect Conductivity - language?
- Insect wiring - language -> censorship...
- Intel D82284 datasheet..
- Intel Data Catalog
- Intellec 4
- Intriguing stuff on eBay
- IRIX 5.3 and 'configure' utility...
- ISC 8001 giveaway.
- J. David.... (HP roms)
- Jay: 11/45 books
- Jeff Russ
- JetDirect EX print server
- Just scored a CDI-1030
- KA630 guru/tests?
- KA655 problem
- laptop batteries (Thinkpad 500) ???
- Large-capacity 5.25" SCSI disks (Cambridge again)
- LGP-30 software
- List charter mods & headcount... ;
- List charter mods & headcount... ; -))
- Looking for old data information
- Looking for Teletype for Documentary.
- Looking for Thom Restivo
- Lost a radio at VCF East?
- MDS series II again
- Meetpods voor PM3551A
- MI Property Depot Report
- Microrobot Motor Mover?
- Miscellaneous available
- Mitsubishi Monitor
- Modern Blinkenlights
- Monitor deflection magnets;
- Monitor deflection magnets; what to do when one falls out & breaks?
- More DEC boards FS
- More HP microcode & loader rom detective work
- more old kit spotted eBay UK
- Motherboards
- Motorola MVME131
- Motorola Powerstack 603e
- MTI QTS30 SCSI QBUS module
- My VCF trip (long)
- NCD 88k Xterminals available (Cambridge, UK)
- need 8 mhz vertra!
- Need Commodore 1702 monitors
- Need Help with an HP 7958B HDD drive
- Need help with monitor in Japan
- New acquisition, cables needed.
- New Finds
- New Finds: Mentis wearable computer!
- New York City, anyone?
- notes on "." hosting quote
- Now easier for people to get HP2000/Access up (was:
- Now easier for people to get HP2000/Access up (was: More HP microcode & loader rom detective work)
- Now easier for people to get HP2000/Access up (was: More HPmicrocode & loader rom detective work)
- Now easier for people to get HP2000/Access up (was: MoreHPmicrocode & loader rom detective work)
- Now easier for people to get HP2000/Access up (was:MoreHPmicrocode & loader rom detective work)
- Obscure Parts....
- odd hex width unibus card - Konelar corp?
- Off-Topic Fluke 4250 info wanted
- Ohio Scientific Challenger 4P/MF
- Old Computer/math humor...
- Old copy of PCTools...
- Old EPROM questions again, EPROM Programmer
- Old IBM
- Old IBM 5.25" copy protection
- Old software files needed
- omnibook
- OSI 560Z: DEC PDP-8 clone using 6100 & 6502
- OT dsl
- OT-ish - converting hex output to binary on a Unix platform
- OT: Bell&Howell TSC-200 System Calibrator????
- OT: Dynamic Sciences R-1250 Reciever info?
- OT: Software for Transtronics/Intronics EPROM programmer
- OT: Startrek apartment
- OT: Startrek appartment
- Other new finds: MOD COMP Maintenance Panels
- Pagemaker for the MACs (68k)
- Paging Dan Veeneman
- PAGING Tom Ponsford !
- PDP 11/23 Plus
- PDP-11/04 issues
- PDP11/73 power-up codes
- Pet Computer Software?
- PET RAM retrofit (was Anybody going to VCF-East have cheap working Oscilloscope/Logic...)
- Pictures: Anybody here work on HP 7905/7920 disk drives?
- Pimping VCF East...
- Places and People around Fresno
- PR-68 schematics posted
- printing pdf manuals
- Processor Technology Software Wanted
- Question about PDP8/a fans
- R3K SGI Indigo & installing IRIX 5.3
- RE 4205
- Register your exhibit for VCF 7.0!
- RF74 Disk Drives
- rk05 - crashed pack
- RK05 alignment cartridge
- RK05 interfacing to unibus PDP-11 (was RK05 stuff)
- RK05 question
- RK05 stuff
- RK05/RL02 Boot Sequence
- RM02/3 drives and CDC9762
- RX50 Dis/assembly..
- RZ25-E in a VAXstation 4000 vlc?
- Sams Photofact collection in Akron Ohio
- SANG A2000 prototype card
- Sanyo MBC 550
- SC03 manual
- Seeking Strawberry Tree or LabTech (Laboratory Technologies) software
- Shure Ams8000 mixer
- Shure AMS8000 mixer.
- Shure AMS8000 mixer.)
- Silicon Gulch Gazettes on line
- simh and rt11 primer.
- Slashdotting VCF East...
- Smalltalk Software
- Software License Update.
- sol-20
- Sol-20 & Helios on E-Bay
- somewhat modern Unisys line printer available
- Source for spacewar
- Sparc Book 2 / 386 laptop give away
- Speaking of Amigas...
- spring clearout. (ok, so I'm late..)
- Startrek appartment
- Still looking for.... (HP)
- Stuff I'm bringing to VCF East
- Stupid NetBSD/SIMH question
- SWTPC board
- terminal servers and hubs available (UK)
- The Future of Bletchley Park & the computer museum - comments wanted!
- The results of your email commands
- The world is going to pieces...
- Thinkpad 500 batteries
- Thurlby LA160 Logic analyser
- TI 52 manual
- TI calculator repair anyone?
- TIL306/TIL308 parts
- Transport arrangement needed UK -> GER
- trying to contact Bill at swtpc.com
- Tymac Tape Controller for Commodore?
- UA78mguic Power regulators
- Unhappy HP-85
- Unisys System 80 pictures available
- Unknown S100 card...
- Update: Dynamic Sciences R-1250 Reciever info?
- Upgrading a BA11-N for Q22 addressing
- Vaian 620?
- Varian 620?
- Various IBM PS/2 models available
- vax 11/750 help
- vaxstation 3100 memory?
- VCF and lisp machines
- VCF East 2.0 / Computer Collector E-mail Newsletter
- VCF East 2.0 report...
- VCF East 2.0 wrap-up: Computer Collector E-mail Newsletter
- VCF East 2.0, Day one.
- VCF East helpers
- VCF East Pictures
- VCF East preparations are afoot...
- VCF East Video?
- VCF East, ASR33 help wanted
- VCF Gazette Volume 2 Issue 3
- VCF Security
- VCF Update!!
- VCFe (trades) IBM datamaster
- VCM Stuff
- Very important: Restoration of an Onyx Systems C8002
- VT52s and VT61 clearance
- Wang 2200 LVPC-E available
- Wanted: KLESI-UA
- was: Early timesharing now: pilotage
- WD 1002-05 controller
- What is the foulest thing you have ever made a digitalker chip set say?!
- What is the foulest thing you have ever made a digitalker chip setsay?!
- What is the foulest thing you have ever made a digitalker chipsetsay?!
- What is the foulest thing you have ever made a digitalkerchipsetsay?!
- what the heck!? (bodged eurocard system)
- what the heck!? (bodged eurocard system))
- Whatta you do with all these durned PeeCees?
- Why does my KDF11 cause spurious traps to 4??
- Wireless networks (was Free stuff (UK) again)
- wtb: Ungermann-Bass NICps MCA Ethernet
- WTD: Fairchild 96LS488 datasheet
- Xerox Sigma VII --- big IRON
- XTerms + DEC stuff + misc available (Cambridge, UK)
- XTerms + DEC stuff + misc available (Cambridge, UK))
- z8000 segment scheme question
- Last message date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 23:46:14 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:36:54 BST