SWTPC board

From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk_at_yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu Jul 1 14:36:31 2004

I'm starting to make progress in going through the carload of stuff I
rescued earlier. For starters:

One of the things I found in the heap was a SWTPC CPU board. I know
nothing about them, but it looked interesting enough to be worth saving
from an unknown fate.

However, the board's different to the one at:


This one has 5 larger IC sockets along the top edge, the leftmost of
which is populated. there are two 7805 regulators toward the centre of
the board at the bottom.

Bus is 50 pins, just like the card in the above photo - SW-50 I guess.

There was no sign of a case for the board, backplane, or any other cards

Anyone know what the different board variations are? This one says
"MP-A2" in the top right corner along with a copyright symbol.

Build date looks to be mid-to-late 1977.

On the back, written in pencil, is "MRC original board" (which probably
doesn't mean anything to anyone!)


Received on Thu Jul 01 2004 - 14:36:31 BST

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