Hi Jules,
it looks like you found a nice Z80 CP/M system ...
... the CPU card is probably a PROF80, and the I/O board is a GRIP 1 terminal
card. Both of them had been distributed by conitec, germany. The cards were
described in the german computer journal c't (they sold bare boards too) ...
You will find some details at
http://www.prof80.de (in german, of course :-))
On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 11:55:23 +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
>Any ideas what system these boards are for?
>(sorry for bad photos - in a rush!)
>Looks to have been homebrewed into an XT clone case.
>Bus connectors are 96 way.
>Memory card DRAMS are 21256's, so I presume that's 1MB on the board.
>CPU card has a Z80B on board plus memory - and a D765 IC, which I think
>is an FDC chip IIRC. ROM is labelled "Prof MON 1.3"
>Larger chips on the I/O board are a 6845 CTRC, 8255 (PIA IIRC), Mostek
>MK3801 (no idea!), Z80A CPU, 6116 SRAM, and a EPROM (with no label).
>There's a homebrew card right at the back with nothing much more than a
>ROM on it - unfortunately I can't read the handwritten label, but the
>first three letters are "tas".
>Anyone able to tell me what the machine is or anything about it?
Received on Fri Jul 02 2004 - 07:41:06 BST