I'm so stupid... Was: Head Cleaners

From: der Mouse <mouse_at_Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
Date: Sun Jul 4 01:28:16 2004

> The trouble with that is most non-electronic breakers need 100%
> overcurrent to trip in <15 seconds, so it would take five 1500W hair
> dryers to trip a 15A circuit.

At 120V, 1500W is 12.5A (assuming a purely resistive load, which for a
hair dryer is slightly inaccurate but not enough so to worry about).
100% overcurrent on a 15A circuit is 30A. 30/12.5 = 2.4. Where did
you get "five"? Are you thinking European mains voltage maybe? Since
I'm in North America, it's unlikely I'd be working with 240V.

> This makes testing 100A three phase breakers interesting.

Well, yes. That is the sort of circumstance that made me add
"probably" to my comment - I am unlikely to be working on such
equipment. :-)

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Received on Sun Jul 04 2004 - 01:28:16 BST

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