R3K SGI Indigo & installing IRIX 5.3

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Mon Jul 5 13:46:17 2004

On Jul 5, 12:25, Jules Richardson wrote:

> I'm sure for the Indy though when I exited fx I could then go to the
> install system option and it worked ok. If I try this with the Indigo
> still loads the installation program but then gives:
> "Unable to load dksc(0,1,1)unix.IP12: file not found"
> any ideas? I think I set the disk within fx as a usrrootdrive - which
> believe is correct for IRIX 5.3?

dksc(0,1,1) is normally the swap partition, and that's where the
installation tools put the miniroot during installation. Assuming
you've done the right things with fx, you should have a small(ish) EFS
root partition as partition 0, 1 is swap, IIRC 7 is the usr partition,
8 is the volume header, and 10 is the whole disk. My guess is that
when you booted the CD, you used one of the few that has no Indigo
(IP12) standalone unix on it. The first release of 5.3 did have it,
the next one didn't (by mistake), and AFAIK all the subsequent ones

I guess the number on your CD is 812-0336-001. The first 5.3 CD was
812-0119-006 and that does work, and so do (IIRC, though it's a long
time since I did a clean install on an Indigo) 812-0336-002 et seq.
 Last Indigo install I did, I used 812-0336-004, but I might have
booted it off something older. Don't try it with an XFS-capable one,

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Mon Jul 05 2004 - 13:46:17 BST

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