NCD 88k Xterminals available (Cambridge, UK)

From: Jules Richardson <>
Date: Fri Jul 9 11:59:34 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 16:42, John Allain wrote:
> Meanwhile, somebody comes up with a source of DA26's...

It's always the way :-)

> > Anyone want? I can't really keep them longer than a
> > week unless I know they have homes though.
> Don't these require some sort of netboot image to work?

I can't remember using anything other than the xncd19c file with mine
(I've just checked and I do still have it - it also seems to be on the
web in a few places). From memory I set up a Linux TFTP server and
hosted the image on that.

That was enough to get an XDM login window up and from there things
worked just as though I was sitting at the Linux machine itself. Pretty
nifty - as I said it was just lack of audio support that really stopped
me from using the terminal seriously. :-(


Received on Fri Jul 09 2004 - 11:59:34 BST

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