Does anyone know exactly what this
<> is? I found it in a
pile of surplus material yesterday. It appears to be a computerized
controller for a robotic arm. The box is marked Microrobot Motor Mover.
Inside it has a large circuit board with a 6502 CPU, two 68B05 MCU ICs, a
6522 VIA IC and an EPROM and two external DB-25F connectors. It looks like
a complete microcomputer controller that can be controlled by a computer or
via the front panel. There's also a daughter board that sits on top of the
main circuit board. It also has two Opto 22 OAC% solid state relays that
appear to control the AC sockets on the back of them box. Around the large
hole in the main board, there are a number of connectors that have cables
that run to the back of the box. The connectors are marked Wrist (2 each),
Grip, Elbow, Base and Shoulder.
I've posted more pictures at <>.
Received on Sun Jul 11 2004 - 11:05:27 BST